Amazing secrets about Pope St. Paul VI

Pope Paul VI ascended the throne of St Peter as the Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Catholic Church at one of the most decisive years in history. His remarkable leadership that paved the way for the Church’s renovation as a result of Vatican II Council is historic. A new book about the Pope, written by Archbishop Rino Fisichella reveals certain unknown surprises about the Pope.
Here are 5 amazing facts about Paul VI:
1. Paul VI secretly wore chains under his clothes during his papacy: One of his private secretaries, reported that he did this intense penance “to remind him that Christ had carried the Cross to redeem the world.”
2. He was baptized on the same day that St. Thérèse of Lisieux died – September 30th, 1897.
3. Close associates report he was “always profoundly serene” in his latter years. They say this was a result of his deep prayer life.
4. His alarm clock rang without being set at the exact moment of his death. A gift from his mother from years earlier, it was set to wake him up at 6am daily. Yet, when he died on August 6th, 1978 at 9:40 pm, it rang out on its own. Archbishop Fisichella writes that “it welcomed him that evening into … eternal life.”
5. The chasuble he wore at his first Mass after ordination was made from his mother’s wedding dress