A Married Saint from the Middle Ages

Saint Francesca Romana was born in Rome in 1384 to a noble family. She never felt interested in earthly beauty and had decided to dedicate her life to God at the age of 11. But, her father never approved of her plan. Instead, he arranged her marriage with a young man named Lorenzo.
Francesca had an Olivetan monk as a confessor, with whom she shared her spiritual secrets. The confessor asked her to fulfill the will of God rather than her own. Thus, she gave her consent to marriage.
Thus she became the wife of Lorenzo at the age of 13. By her frequent penances, she fell ill. After recuperating from the physical illness, she became close with her sister-in-law Vannozza, who expressed her wish to dedicate her life to God.
They gradually realized that it is the will of God to do their marital duties first than chasing their ascetic interests. Together they carried out every responsibility assigned to them. They attended the Mass together, visited prisons and served in hospitals.
When Francesca had three children, a flood occurred in Rome and it began to bring disease and famine to the country. Francesca and Vannezza went out of their way in helping the needy. They supplied corn, wine, oil and clothing to the poor. But Francesca’s father-in-law forbade them from doing it. He sold every extra supply at the home. Then they implored permission to feed the poor.
Trials did not end with a flood in Francesca’s life. It was in the late 1300 that a war broke out in Rome. Her husband Lorenzo was seriously injured and their eldest son was kidnapped. Their house was ruined.
She had lost her two younger children shortly after the outbreak of plague. But Francesca did not turn back from the realities of life. She changed the ruined house into a makeshift hospital and as a shelter for the homeless. She spent much of her life in looking after the sick.
Though her two children were dead, God gave a special blessing to Francesca, the grace to see her guardian angel. The angel served as her companion and spiritual guide. She later founded a lay order for women called the Oblates of Mary, who shared the Benedictine spirituality.
After the death of her husband, Francesca went to live in a house for the widowed members of the community. She died there in 1440 while serving as its superior.