Sacred Heart of Jesus and fraternal charity
“The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mk 12:30-31). Today let us contemplate how our divine Lord loves us humans. What are we in the presence of the eternal God who created the whole universe? He is the creator and we are mere creatures. He who controls the world is eternal and almighty whereas we are insignificant and trivial. Above all the Holy Bible testifies that ‘For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:19). We are embedded in evils like anger, jealousy, pride, impurity, greed etc. and the Sacred Heart of Jesus detest these sins. Though God is watching all the deplorable outrages that humans commit from time immemorial, He is always merciful and kind towards us. Jesus has proclaimed that His joy is to live with us humans. He does not ignore anybody who comes to Him.
He lovingly embraces them and talks to them. He lovingly addresses them as children, brethren, or friends. He mercifully gazes at sinful Mary Magdalene and forgives her. He goes after sinners, comforts them, encourages them and beckons them to enjoy His divine love. His conduct with St. Peter and St. Thomas is unbelievable. He patiently bore all negligence, contempt, cruel iniquities and finally crucifixion for us His brothers. There never has been a sacrifice equivalent to the loving sacrifice at Calvary.
His love for us did not end with His crucifixion and death. He gave us His body and blood as food for our eternal life which stands as a symbol of His everlasting love. Let us follow this example of Jesus in our lives. Let us love each other for the sake of Jesus and thereby prove our love for Jesus.
O merciful Heart of Jesus! My solace, my wealth, I adore You in union with all the heavenly hosts. I love You with all my strength. Lord! Bless me to live for the sake of Your love and forsake all worldly attachments. O loving King! Bless me to love You as much as I have agonized You and beckon others to Your loving Heart.
Grant to Your Church, O Lord, assurance of freedom, protect our Supreme Pontiff and make haste that all may know the haven of truth, and have unity of faith, so that there may soon be one fold and one Shepherd! Lord, be merciful to the unfortunate sinners, console the souls in Purgatory and be merciful to me, your unworthy servant. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, O Mother of all blessings, I firmly believe that through your powerful intercession, all my prayers and petitions will be granted. Amen
[ 3 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary, 3 Glory be..]
The Litany of the Sacred Heart
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Formed by the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mother, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Substantially united to the Word of God, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Of Infinite Majesty, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Holy Temple of God, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, House of God and Gate of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Burning Furnace of charity, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Vessel of Justice and love, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Full of goodness and love, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Abyss of all virtues, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Most worthy of all praises, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, King and center of all hearts, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, In whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,
Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, In Whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity,
Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father is well pleased, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Of whose fullness we have all received, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Desire of the everlasting hills, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Patient and abounding in mercy, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Rich unto all who call upon Thee, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Fountain of life and holiness, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Atonement for our sins, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Filled with reproaches, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Bruised for our offenses, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Made obedient unto death, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Pierced with a lance, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Source of all consolation, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Our Life and Resurrection, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Our Peace and Reconciliation, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Victim for our sins, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Salvation of those who hope in Thee, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Hope of those who die in Thee, Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Delight of all the Saints, Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Make our hearts like unto Thine.
Let us pray.
Almighty and eternal God, look upon the Heart of Thine most-beloved Son, and upon the praises and satisfaction He offers Thee in the name of sinners; and appeased by worthy homage, pardon those who implore Thy mercy, in Thy Great Goodness in the name of the same Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.
Sacred Heart of Jesus! Shower me with Your graces.